All the Mods 10 is our latest community Minecraft server! The modpack is now based on Minecraft 1.21, and it’s using NeoForge rather than the ol’ Forge. The most noticeable change that this brings is potential performance improvements. You can learn more about the NeoForge here.
All the Guides: this website has a number of guides for the various ATM modpacks. Particularly useful is the ore distribution chart for the mining dimension!
In-Game Quests: the quests cover a vast amount of information, from general ‘getting started’ to more in-depth information on specific mods. It is an amazing resource for learning and exploring ATM10!
The server is setup to use the Pick Up Notifier mod. It is entirely optional. If you would like to use it, you would want to install the mod in your local ATM10 instance. Notably, ATM10 is currently using Minecraft Fabric 1.21.1.
Tips, Tricks & More
Leave a reply with any tips or tricks that you have encountered while playing through All the Mods 10!
Server Status
View the server banner at It will look similar to the following:
Reserving for changelogs. The most recent changes will be closest to the top of the list.
Updated to version 2.34 (2025-02-10) from version 2.21
Added mod: Crash Assistant
Added mmore QoL processing recipes
Wireless Charging Stations removed from Extended Industrialization
Added mod: Flux Networks
*> Added mod: Embeddium
Added mod: Nolijium
Added mod: Monocle
Added mod: Memory Settings
Removed mod: Sodium and addons
Removed mod: Entity Culling
Included storage block tags on essence blocks
Created Xychorium seeds
Added mod: Cataclysm
Added mod: GuideMe
Added mod: Just Zoom
Disabled easy invulnerability and faster harvesting from Pylon
Added mod: Immersive Energistics
Added mod: Crystalix
Added mod: Productive Metalworks
Disabled mobs playing music discs from backpacks
Disabled Fluxnet chunkloading
Added Pink Slime block recipe
Removed mod: JourneyMap Integration
Removed omega tier from Sophisticated backpacks/storage
Updated to version 2.21 (2025-01-10) from version 2.20
Hyperboxes are now uncraftable and we are moving to Compact Machines due to a large memory leak. We will keep both mods for now but keep an eye out if we need to remove the mod fully. All current Hyperboxes will work just fine. If you want new ones make Compact Machines.
• Added Compact Machines
• Added Better Compatibility Checker to help users know if they need to update the pack
• Finally updated to the new Ender IO now that its ready
• Theurgy Incubation salts fix (pr0saic)
• Hyperboxes PR (djnifos)
• Remove Akashic Quest to prevent the occasional invalid player data on servers (djnifos)
• Updated All the Mods
• Neoforge Version is 21.1.93
Updated to version 2.20 (2025-01-08) from version 2.19.
• Added the Creative Locomotive and Creative Blood Drop to JEI (Toblerone)
• Full Akashic Tome Quest and Quest Work (Toblerone)
• Added some resource processing QOL recipes (pr0saic)
• Updated es_es Quest Translation (RadzRatz)
• Corrected the Hephaestus Forge Quest Description (Yarillo4)
• Added back Ender Chests and CodeChickenLib now that its been fixed
• Disabled Christmas Drops till next Christmas (wtd)
• Neoforge Version is 21.1.93
Here’s a tip that I found the other day when raiding those Ancient Temples in the ‘Other’ dimension:
There are Feral Flare Lanterns, from the Torchmaster, mod that you can craft fairly cheap. These lanterns light up a good area around them by placing invisible light sources, even through walls. I made half a stack of these lanterns and placed them all around the top portion of the temple, which lit up the inside area quite well and prevented the MANY spawners from constantly pumping out mobs.
Also, don’t be dummies like the ol’ man and me… we veinmined (ultimined) out the sea lanterns before heading into the temple. It was an absolutely nightmare. We have the cloaks that make you invisible in the dark, but without the sea lanterns every mob spawner was activating like crazy.